Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tucson Gem Show - 2011

I am so happy right now! I am packing and getting ready to leave tomorrow morning (earrrrrrly) for the Gem Show. I found a new hair stylist that I love (a sign of good luck - to me) and I know it is a good sign for the coming year - the year of the Rabbit.

I just checked on our digs - Loews Ventana Canyon Resort.....Helllllllllllllllllo! This place is amazing. I've been visiting Tucson since my little sister, D, moved there 25 years ago, and I never saw the Catalinas like this. It's gorgeous and sooooo green, which worries me because of the water, but I am a worrier so it comes natural for me. I do love the decadence, I revel in the decadence, I want the decadence, so once a year, I accept, and pretend, and enjoy!

Packing is fun. The cats hate it. They know. They plan their retribution while we pack. "You will pay". Oh well, I'm preparing for the snub. I'll think of that later.

Customers are calling with their shopping lists. I love it so much. It makes me feel like my business is making an impact on people. They tell me they wish they could come with me. I live for this. I want to buy for everyone that puts in a request, and I do. My customers have shaped my store since the beginning. They are the ones who created the bead shop by buying out of my personal stash. It was meant to be. All of it was meant to be. I'm very grateful.

yours in rocks and beads,

Friday, January 21, 2011


Here is a little information and some metaphysical properties of Garnet.

Januarys' birthstone.

The word Garnet was derived from the Latin word, granatum which means "pomegranate". It does look like a pomegranate seed when it is cut into small beads.

Used as a sacred stone by these groups: American Indians, Aztecs, African tribal elders and the Mayans

A stone of health. Pulls negative energy from the chakras and turns it into good energy.
Fast acting. Allows one to recognize their responsibilities.

A stone of commitment - to others and to oneself.

Has loving powers. Reflects attributes of devotion. Brings the love of others in the expression of warmth and understanding.

Helps with abandonment issues.

Freshens ones life.

Stimulates the base chakra and crown chakra - provides free flow of movement.

Allows one to flow with energies. Provides a balanced energy field around the physical body.

Helps amplify aspects of self-discovery.

Has a protective influence.

Discourages chaotic, disruptive, and disorganized growth.

Its energy promotes order within the physical, emotional, and spiritual systems.

Purifying and cleansing disorder.

Treats disorders of the spine and spinal fluid, bone, cellular structure and composition, heart, lungs and blood.

Numerical vibration: 2

Information taken from "Love Is In The Earth", Melody, Earth-Love Publishing House, 2007

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year - 2011 - Back To Work

Have you ever worked in the Retail field? If the answer is yes, then you feel the same way I do right now. If no, then let me share with you how retailers feel and think right now.
We are burnt out from the Holidays, but exhilarated by the prospect of a fresh start. It makes for a messy mind. There will be days that are so slow this month that we want to give up trying to put our best foot forward. This is a feeling we fight - or give into. It's a bummer. Some retailers become surly. It's unfair, I know, you've spent all your hard earned money this past season and expect, no deserve, the right to a happy and willing participant in this game. Sometimes, the after holiday experience is a deal breaker between customer and retailer. People are filled to the brim with consumption and it's like eating too much; it can make you sick to your stomach.
But I don't feel that way anymore. I went back to work yesterday for a full day. I felt so happy to be in the shop. I felt happy to be there. I swept the floor. I cleaned. I started the floor move for the new goods that will be coming in the first week of February. I felt excited to work hard. I felt needed by the customers that came in, and I was missed. I felt fortunate and "rich in spirit". Yesterday, I felt worthy of my job, my shop, my customers.
Today, I got word that the WVLiving Marketplace stores want more Minnie Finch earrings. This will be the 4th order. I am so excited about this relationship. The women that run and own these stores are fabulous. They are accomplished business women in their own worlds and opened these 2 locations on the side of their already busy lives. If you're visiting Snowshoe, go into the store. The atmosphere is fantastic. Check it out online. Their 2nd location is Morgantown, WV. I am proud to be a part of their merchandise assortment and excited for the opportunity they allow me to advertise my own brick and mortar. I consider this a victory for the shop, for myself. It's a great motivator. It's the reason I'll work a little harder today. It's the reason I'll try to make the customer feel extra special today. It's a very good reason to put the "grinch" away.
So, retailers, find your little victory and restart your positive attitude that put you out in front. You deserve it, the customers deserve it and everyone wins in the end.
Customers, bear with us poor slobs, for sometimes, we know not what comes out of our mouths or how our facial expressions can ruin your day this time of year. It's all good.
This month's birthstone is Garnet. I will be blogging about this stone later. I may be able to post pics - I'm still working on it....not an easy task.

yours in rock and beads,