Friday, January 21, 2011


Here is a little information and some metaphysical properties of Garnet.

Januarys' birthstone.

The word Garnet was derived from the Latin word, granatum which means "pomegranate". It does look like a pomegranate seed when it is cut into small beads.

Used as a sacred stone by these groups: American Indians, Aztecs, African tribal elders and the Mayans

A stone of health. Pulls negative energy from the chakras and turns it into good energy.
Fast acting. Allows one to recognize their responsibilities.

A stone of commitment - to others and to oneself.

Has loving powers. Reflects attributes of devotion. Brings the love of others in the expression of warmth and understanding.

Helps with abandonment issues.

Freshens ones life.

Stimulates the base chakra and crown chakra - provides free flow of movement.

Allows one to flow with energies. Provides a balanced energy field around the physical body.

Helps amplify aspects of self-discovery.

Has a protective influence.

Discourages chaotic, disruptive, and disorganized growth.

Its energy promotes order within the physical, emotional, and spiritual systems.

Purifying and cleansing disorder.

Treats disorders of the spine and spinal fluid, bone, cellular structure and composition, heart, lungs and blood.

Numerical vibration: 2

Information taken from "Love Is In The Earth", Melody, Earth-Love Publishing House, 2007

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